My brother Lou is an amazing human being and one of my heroes. He recently took an on line course from Harvard University and was required to write a term paper about what he had learned. Here is his term paper, presented as a speech:

Louis Dorworth

To my fellow citizens, I humbly come before you today, not as an antagonist to your beliefs, nor as a man embittered in ideology, but as a common fellow with a premonitory to a very dark future for our country. If we avoid acting now, we may lose all that is sacred and precious – the promise of America – the vision of our founders. Today, I invite you to open your minds and hearts and hear what I have to say.
Our country is at the edge of a precipice. Once again, we stand on the rim of history where American citizens need magnify the current condition of our republic and boldly establish what it is that we want our nation to be, forever after. We need closely look at our history with eyes wide open and be willing to reach in and pull out the spiny splinters of division and shimmering shards of hate that embroil our society to this very day.
Our country has a short history. A sad, but often glorified history. A history fraught with ignorant and racist behaviors that contradict the promises set forth by our forefathers in 1776 – in the very Declaration of Independence that we so proudly celebrate every July four – a vision that “all men are created equal… with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This esteemed idea is ingrained in the minds of all Americans, yet not practiced by all. We must ask ourselves are we really living up to this ideal?
Do all Americans really feel equal?
Are there symbols within our society that subvert equality?
Are we all happy?
If the answer is no, then we must change!
Our Constitution assures us that “We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”
Justice. Justice for who, the well to do? Is there equal justice in our great nation? Let us ask those who are not so well to do. What do they have to say about justice?
Tranquility. Is there calm in our homes or on our streets? Are we at peace with our fellow man?
Defense. Do we have defense from a pandemic? Do we have defense from tear gas, rubber bullets, and brutality when we peacefully assemble in the streets to make our voices heard?
General welfare. Do we all have jobs that pay a living wage? Housing, food, medical care?
Liberty. Are women free of oppressive restrictions to their health care in all 50 states?
For posterity – for your children – for their children – for generations to come. For posterity.
If we are not keeping these promises, then we must seek change!
To change, we Americans must recognize those things we do that hold us back from forming a “more perfect Union.”
Do we speak in terms of “us versus them?” Do our leaders?
Do we blame an illusory “them” for poor socioeconomic conditions that we ourselves create?
Do these divisions pit one American against another?
Are we unhappy with the status quo?
If so, then we must change!
The articles of the U.S. Constitution outline how our Government works – responsibilities bestowed on Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches – each being equal to the others – no one branch more powerful than another – delicate checks and balances – a system fair and equal.
Is this working for America?
Does one branch claim immunity from oversight?
Do our representatives hear the voices of the people, or do they only hear the shameless songs of sleazy lobbyists selling corporate special interests to subsidize their campaigns?
Is it getting harder to vote?
If so, then we must make change!
Can we be trusted in our treaties and trade agreements?
Is America strong when it stands alone on the world stage and shuns our long-kept allies?
Do we even have any allies anymore?
Are we viewed as the moral authority for civil and human rights?
If not, then we must change!
I raise the alarm now and urge all Americans to take notice. Our shinning city on the hill is mud-sliding closer and closer to the edge of obscurity in a downpour of dark forces that have long been eroding the foundation of our fragile constitution. Yes, the Constitution is fragile – it is the cornerstone of our foundation and it is fragile. If we remove all the brick and mortar that supports it, the foundation will crumble and be swept away in a flood of ignorance and lassitude.
“We the people” need now prop-up the foundation of our republic. Restore democracy. Replace the bricks of our damaged character and wash away the graffiti of our past with the disinfectant soap of hope and prosperity.
We must stand up the truth and fly it high with our flag on the tallest pole that we can conjure. No longer shall we let the bindings of deception and trickery steer us towards the edge and away from a better country in which equality and justice lead the way.
For all Americans. For our children. For all citizens of the world. For posterity. We must not fear change. For it is the engine that propels us forward to a better future – to be better citizens of this land – a land we so hold close and dear.
Embrace change. Make a change. It will do us good.

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